Friday, May 8, 2015

Cherish the Quiet, but be Thankful for the Loud

There is nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby. 


I could just stare at him, or either of my other children (even though they aren't babies anymore) while they sleep. They are just so peaceful. And angelic. And QUIET

I have come to cherish the quiet moments in my life. Heaven knows I need to. Because the loud moments are very loud. 

Like when the bigs are screaming at each other.

Or Bubba isn't getting his way. 

Or he drops dog poop in my lap.

Or the puppy gets herself beat up by the cat. 

The dishwasher has something rhythmically clunking.

The vacuum is going (yay-something productive!)

The washing machine gets off balance.

The trash truck comes.

All of these mom moments are ok. I can discipline the fighting, the tantrums, the pets. I can fix the cleaning appliances, and the trash truck never stays long. I take care of my home with gladness. Because doing it means that I am
living my dream. 

But I still cherish the moments when I can watch my children's still faces. Hear them breathe deeply. Marvel at the wonderful creations they are. And be thankful that God sent them to me. 

Because my Mothers Day gift is them. These beautiful children. They are Abba Father's gift to me. And I am thankful. 

I am thankful for the mess. I am thankful for the chaos. I am thankful for the loud. Because those things mean that my children are healthy. And they are playful. And they are mine. 

Messy Friends, I want to encourage you to enjoy your children this Mother's Day. I hope you get breakfast in bed (after you sleep in), and flowers, and maybe even jewelry. But give yourself the gift of your children's presence. Spend the day playing with them. Spend quality time with them. Really engage. Put the housework, and the in laws, and the dinner at the edge of your mind, and just focus on your little miracles. Because they are your gifts. And this time with them is short. So enjoy them!
The Messy Homeschool Mom

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